Literary Sketches
I begin to plot 6 scenes for the libretto. Notice my focus on big thematic issues: "Adulteress, angel," etc. (click image to enlarge)


Literary Sketches
These appear to be notes toward a chorus in Act I. (click image to enlarge)
Literary Sketches
The six major scenes more clearly plotted in notes, with some emphasis on the way time becomes a character in Hawthorne's story. (click image to enlarge)
Literary Sketches
These appear to be notes linking ideas from Hawthorne to the six major scenes of the libretto. (click image to enlarge)
Literary Sketches
More notes on ideas from Hawthorne keyed to the text of the novel itself. (click image to enlarge)
Literary Sketches
Draft of two pages from the final scene of the opera with some insertions and deletions. The chorus is singing about election day while Hester is plotting to book space on a ship for herself, her daughter, and her lover, Dimmesdale. (click on image to enlarge)
Literary Sketches